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7 deadliest chicken predators the red fox

7 Deadliest Chicken Predators

7 Deadliest Chicken Predators: How To Keep Your Chickens Safe

chicken predators

It doesn’t matter where you live, deadly chicken predators are everywhere. We’ve put together a list of 7 of the deadliest chicken predators your flock is vulnerable to. The reality is that even in urban and suburban areas, your chickens aren’t safe. Half of the chicken predators on our list are known to be abundant in urban settings.

We know how much your chickens mean to you, you probably even call them by name! To keep your chickens safe and happy, you have to know what the most prevalent predators are.

In this article, we name 7 of the most notorious chicken thieves and where they tend to live. Some of the predators on our list may surprise you, but that is just evidence that you need to be aware of them to prevent your chickens from becoming a midnight snack.

We may be missing a few chicken predators, so if you are dealing with predators like bears, check out our blog on how to bear-proof your chicken coop, or take a look at our snake blog and learn how to keep snakes away from chickens.

Chicken Predators #1: Dogs

Do domesticated dogs eat chickens? Yes! Believe it or not, domesticated dogs are one of the greatest threats to your flock of chickens. Although many dog breeds are very friendly towards people and are rightly considered to be “man’s best friend”, most dogs still maintain a strong “prey instinct”. Because of this, dogs see chickens as easy prey. Due to their natural instinct to chase prey, you need to be very careful to protect your chickens from this naturally occurring predator. 

german shepherd

Chicken Predators #2: Mink

mink 7 deadliest chicken predators

Mink are small carnivorous mammals common throughout North America. They may look cute and cuddly, but they are a very real threat to your chickens. Mink are clever chicken predators that are always looking for an easy meal. They are known to kill and eat chickens, as well as enjoy an unguarded egg if they can get to one. Because they are so crafty, it is important to keep your chicken coop secure and make your chickens unavailable to Mink!

Chicken Predators #3: Owls

7 deadliest chicken predators great horned owl

Owls may not be the first animal that comes to mind when you think of natural chicken predators, but they certainly are. Because it is rare to see an owl in broad daylight, it’s easy to overlook them as a chicken predator. Owls operate mostly at night, making them nocturnal predators.

They are quieter than almost any other bird of prey, and this makes them even more dangerous. Likely, your feathered friends will not even hear an owl approaching until it is too late. Common in most of Northern America, you want to take measures to protect your chickens from this silent predator. 

Chicken Predators #4: Hawks

Hawks are another natural chicken predator. Like owls, hawks are predatory birds that take their prey from above. Hawks have incredible eyesight and can spot your unassuming chickens from high in the air. Hawks are master predators and should not be taken lightly when it comes to the safety of your chickens. They are always looking for an easy meal to fill their bellies. Protecting your chickens from hawk attacks is important.


Hawks can be found all over the world and are not limited to rural areas. Strangely enough, hawks can be found in densely populated suburban neighborhoods and even in big cities.

Chicken Predators #5: Coyotes


When thinking about chicken predators and how to keep your backyard chickens safe, coyotes are probably one of the first predators that come to mind. Coyotes are known for their craftiness and are experts at preying on chickens. Because chickens have no way of defending themselves, you have to be intentional about protecting your birds from coyotes. 

Coyotes are not limited to unpopulated areas in the wilderness. They have become so prolific that they have even been found in strong numbers in Los Angeles! No matter where you live, your chickens could be in danger of falling prey to these intelligent hunters.

Chicken Predators #6: Foxes


Foxes may be the most iconic on our list of the deadliest chicken predators. Ranging throughout North America, from the colder northern states to the warmer southern states, foxes have made themselves famous for preying on chickens. Foxes are deadly chicken predators because they are impressively sneaky and cunning. It is rare to spot a fox in broad daylight because they mostly hunt nocturnally under the cover of night. They are silent, smart, and sneaky and even if your chickens are in a run with chicken wire, there’s a good chance a fox can find its way in. Keeping your chickens safe from foxes is no easy task, but something you must do to protect your flock.

Chicken Predators #7: Raccoons


Most people are less likely to think of raccoons when considering the most dangerous chicken predators that their flock could be vulnerable to. But raccoons are certainly formidable chicken predators! Often depicted as cute, cuddly, and even polite with videos of them diligently washing their food before eating it, raccoons can be underestimated as apt to prey on chickens.

Not taking measures to protect your chickens from raccoons may cost you flock members and their eggs. Don’t be fooled by Ricky Raccoon and his adorable mannerisms, he’s still an intelligent predator at heart. 

How Do I Keep My Chickens Safe From Predators?

The 7 deadliest chicken predators are all commonly found in most rural areas, and some of them can even be found in unlikely suburban and urban environments. Keeping your flock safe from these naturally occurring and prevalent chicken predators takes intentionality and good planning. One of the very best ways to keep your chickens safe from chicken predators is with an automatic chicken coop door

You can easily purchase a chicken coop with a protected chicken run to guard your chickens against hawks and owls, but the craftier, four-footed chicken predators on our list often find ways to get into chicken runs and get their prey

7 deadliest chicken predators chickens in a coop

After dark, your chickens are most vulnerable because most of these apex chicken predators operate best at night. In addition to this, you probably do your best to sleep at night, and that is when you are least likely to see a predator approaching your chickens. Even if your chickens are all inside their coop at night, they are still susceptible to predators. Historically, chicken coops alone are not enough to protect your flock from hungry, nocturnal chicken predators like foxes, coyotes, mink, and raccoons.

Automatic Chicken Coop Door Protects Against Chicken Predators

The best way to keep your chickens safe at night from smart chicken predators is with an automatic chicken coop door. Auto chicken coop doors automatically close at night and are more effective at keeping hungry predators out than any other chicken coop door. 


Pet Auto Doors manufactures and supplies the SmartCoop Auto Door that will protect your chickens from danger at night. The SmartCoop door is made from aluminum and features a strong polycarbonate cover. It is hands down one of the strongest auto chicken doors on the market today. Amish-made chicken doors like the SmartCoop will do the best job of keeping chicken predators out and keeping your flock safe. 

If you already have a strong coop door you are happy with, we offer DIY kits to turn your manual door into an automatic door and save you time and energy. Our DIY kits are easy to install and work on different size doors.

The most devastating feeling can be coming out to your chicken coop in the morning and finding that a chicken predator broke into your coop overnight and stole one of your flocks. We don’t want that to ever happen to you and your chickens! The saying goes that the best offense is a good defense and when it comes to defending your chickens from predators that’s right! 

7 deadliest chicken predators chickens in chicken run

It doesn’t matter if a fox, a coyote, or a whole pack of coyotes are trying to get into your chicken coop at night, with a SmartCoop automatic chicken door or a Wi-Fi chicken coop door from Pet Auto Doors your chickens will be safe. No matter how smart and cunning these predators are, they will not be able to break through a SmartCoop door. It is the best way to secure your chickens and protect them from their natural predators. 

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Learn how to Predator Proof your Coop and Keep your flock safe with an automatic chicken door

Download our Predator Guide for Free!
Learn how to keep those pesky predators away with our complete guide to predator proofing your coop!