
How to keep snakes away from chickens how to snake proof a chicken coop

How To Keep Snakes Away from Chickens – The Ultimate Guide

Chances are that just reading this blog and looking at the photos included will send a shiver up your spine. Snakes are notorious for being conniving, slithering creatures that will strike terror into the hearts of even the bravest individuals.…

how to deal with dogs and chickens

Dogs and Chickens | A Comprehensive Guide

Are you in the process of building up your backyard farmette? Every farm needs chickens to make it feel like a real farm, but it also needs a dog to make it feel like home. But can dogs and chickens live together? If you get both chickens and dogs, will the result just be chaos and dead chickens? 
how to keep raccoons away from chickens raccoon

How to Keep Raccoons Away from Chickens- What You Need to Know

Hens are important to us and provide us with delicious eggs. If someone or something is nabbing our hens, we want to be proactive. These wily little animals could be stealing your hens right under your nose, and decimating your flock. Let’s look at how to keep raccoons away from chickens and give you some additional knowledge about these little creatures.
fox proof a chicken coop fox 1

How to Fox Proof a Chicken Coop

If you’ve read the book, The Adventures of Reddy Fox, you’ll be familiar with Reddy’s innate love for catching and eating chickens. Though the book is fiction, a fox’s love for these feathered fowls is not. Foxes have been a headache for chicken farmers for years, and many attempts to deter them have failed. So the question remains, how do we once and for all, stop these little red beasts from getting our chickens?
eagles chicken predator

Can An Automatic Coop Door Stop Chicken Predators?

Chickens are a popular choice for people looking to start as backyard farmers, as they are relatively easy to care for and provide many benefits like a steady supply of fresh eggs. However, chickens are also a favorite food of many chicken predators, including coyotes, foxes, and raccoons. This can make it difficult to protect them from becoming a meal. One way to help protect your chickens is to use an auto chicken coop door.
chicken coop auto door

Should You Invest In A Chicken Coop Automatic Door?

Whether you’ve just started out raising backyard chickens or you’re a commercial farmer with years of experience, there is one thing that both parties can agree on. Raising and breeding chickens is hard work. But there are ways to take some load off your shoulders. And one of the best tools that can help you do that is an chicken coop automatic door!
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Chicken Coop Essentials

Do you know what the most important chicken coop essentials are? Are you curious about what the “Taj Mahal” of chicken coops features for their flocks? We’re breaking it all down in this list of 16 chicken coop essentials so that as you design your coop and chicken run you don’t miss anything important and you create the perfect place for your chickens to be safe, happy, and thrive. 
protect your chickens from predators 7

20 Ways To Protect Your Chickens From Predators

Nobody ever wants to find pillaged eggs, dead chicks, or that their favorite hens have become an afternoon or midnight snack to a chicken predator. You can do lots of things to keep your chickens safe! We’ve got a full list of 20 ways you can keep your chickens safe from predators.
7 deadliest chicken predators the red fox

7 Deadliest Chicken Predators

The most devastating feeling can be coming out to your chicken coop in the morning and finding that a chicken predator broke into your coop overnight and stole one of your flock. We don’t want that to ever happen to you and your chickens! The saying goes that the best offense is a good defense and when it comes to defending your chickens from predators that’s absolutely right!